News & Achievements

Apr 13, 2023
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CEO of Neurosalience was awarded €75,000 by European Innovation Council (EISMEA)

about the award
Dec 15, 2021
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Neurosalience was one of the two winners at the Health Founders Demo Day

about the event
Oct 21, 2021
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Neurosalience is one of the ten teams to present at the InnoStars Awards 2021 final!

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Mar 18, 2021
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Neurosalience got accepted to the Panacea Stars Develop programme

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Feb 16, 2021
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Neurosalience is one of 10 teams presenting at Northbound Startups Demo Day 2021!

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Jan 29, 2021
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We have reached final Top 12 in the Prototron competition and won 10000€ prize!

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Jan 11, 2021
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Neurosalience joined P4 Precision Medicine Accelerator Programme

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Nov 4, 2020
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Neurosalience was one of the 10 finalists in Conception X program that was chosen to present at the Demo Day

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Partner with us!

We are open to collaboration and partnership with hospitals, MedTech and pharma companies. Contact us to arrange a demo of our product!