our technology

At Neurosalience we develop a tool for early detection of dementia from structural MRI scans.

The first tool in the world for:

Assessing low-resolution MRI data
Extending to CT data
Detecting dementia long before the first symptoms occur

We use interpretable machine learning algorithms to assess brain ageing


Brain age prediction from MRI/CT data as a biomarker of neurodegenerative condition  is based on the fact that different parts of human body age at different rate. If the predicted age is well off person’s chronological age, person is at risk of developing dementia.

brai age 40

Subject age: 40 years

Predicted brain age: 40 years

brain age 57

Subject age: 42 years

Predicted brain age: 57 years

Partner with us!

We are open to collaboration and partnership with hospitals, MedTech and pharma companies. Contact us to arrange a demo of our product!